Conferences, We’re Back Baby.


Humans of the parking industry, how I’ve missed you! I’m typing this up as I sit through my second flight in less than 72 hours. Yup, I’m on my way to Vancouver for the Canadian Parking Association’s annual conference and tradeshow after a quick 3 days at home that followed 3 days in Las Vegas for the National Parking Association’s show. Exhausted? Yes. Motivated, rejuvenated, and on a bit of an extrovert’s high? Yes yes YES!

I wrote an open letter 18 months ago when the world as we knew it had drastically changed — everything had come to a halt, and suddenly virtual was the new reality. At that time, I couldn’t help but reflect on an aspect of the parking world that I didn’t realize was such a pivotal part of our industry: in-person conferences. 

The truth is, I look forward to them every year. Seeing old friends, making awesome connections, and enjoying good food & drink while on the job? What can I say? Work hard, play hard for the win!

And coming back from Vegas from NPA’s Expo I can finally say… They’re back, baby! (And so are we!)

While there’s no denying that shows this year are different — masks and hand sanitizer and social distancing (oh, my!) — the sense of excitement you feel as you walk the tradeshow floor is like nothing else. Zoom meetings can’t compare. People were just ready to be back together. I know I was. There’s just something special about all being in the same room - an energy that follows you wherever you go. 

These past 18 months have shown us how strong and resilient our industry is. We’ve been as hard-hit as anyone in this pandemic, but walking the tradeshow floor and seeing the innovation, the thought leadership, the collaboration, it was intoxicating - and this is before the drinks! ;).

To the folks that made sure these conferences happened: I think I speak on behalf of the entire industry when I say, we can’t thank you enough for bringing in-person conferences back to life — and bringing them back safely. 

And to everyone else - I don’t know what winter or who-knows-what will bring around the corner. But I do know that, as long as it’s safe to be together, we’ll be there. The world has changed, but we haven’t. We are still people people. And I look forward to seeing you all again soon. 

What happened in Vegas shouldn’t stay in Vegas. Let’s keep the momentum going. Let’s get out. Let’s get together. Our Honk team is fired up and ready to go. Conferences, we’re back baby!

--- Kacey Siskind, SVP HONK

An Open Letter: Our Commitment To Do Better in The Fight Against Racism

We've got something to get off our chest. 

We can no longer remain silent about the systemic oppression and racism that has been happening for far too long. 

Current events across the globe have made us think harder and deeper about this issue than ever before. We’ve been reading, talking, thinking and doing since we heard the call. We’ve been looking inward and self-reflecting on our own privilege, and the biases we’ve amassed over the years. We have come to a very clear conclusion: To be silent is to be complacent. And as a company we need to do better in our support of the BIPOC community that makes up our employees, our community, our clients and our customers.

We’ve been reflecting here at Honk HQ about how we can actively participate in the anti-racist fight. How can we use our platform to raise awareness? What tangible something can we give to the cause?

 Here’s what we came up with: For starters, we’ll be donating all parking service fees collected every Monday in August to 2 non-profits that support BIPOC. Because we operate in both the United States and Canada, we’ll be supporting one initiative from each country:

Equal Justice Initiative

This initiative works to end mass incarceration, excessive punishment, and racial inequality in the United States. Because Black people in America are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of white people.

Black Health Alliance

This community-led organization looks to improve the health and well-being of Black communities in Canada. Because Black women in Canada have substantially higher rates of premature births than white women.

Another thing we’ll be doing? making an effort to become better anti-racist allies — by doing the research, the work, the learning, and the re-education at the individual level.

“Racism is a big bad word that’s often perceived as overt and violent, but racism is most often implicit, insidious, pervasive and systematic.” 

(Source: Temi Adamolekun)

This statement is powerful. Violent acts of racism are most certainly overt and obvious, but the deeply ingrained systemic racism that is woven into society? It needs to come undone. So we’re getting down to work here at Honk HQ. We’ll be better educating ourselves to become better allies, and we’re starting with the list below. We invite you to do the same.

Reading List (*Shop local if you can!!):

Between The World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates

Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson *Adapted to a movie 

The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin

How To Be An Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi

There’s a revolution happening. We can’t stay silent. We urge you to use your voices too — however small or large they might be. 

Let’s continue to rage against the machine.

- Michael & the entire Honk Team

Meet The Honkers.

Andre: Operations. New Dad. Football & Basketball Enthusiast.

Ever open the Honk app and wonder how it all works? How do all those parking pins get on the map? How do the rates and times match the posted rates in the lot? Event rates - how do those work?

Enter Andre: Operations Manager here at Honk. Once we land a new partnership with a parking operator, municipality, airport or school, he’s the guy. He does all the zone things.

When Andre isn’t at the office doing all things parking, he’s likely at home spending quality time with his new baby girl <3. When not on diaper duty, he can be found cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles during football season and the Toronto Raptors the rest of the time.

Honk: Andre, can you take us through what it means to be Operations Manager at Honk? What responsibilities fall under your bucket? What’s the most challenging part about your job?

Andre: The most challenging part of the job is keeping up with the constant request of clients! Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that each day can bring new challenges, but at the same time it’s very easy to get overwhelmed with requests if I don’t stay organized and on top of things. Institutions, Private Parking Operators, and Municipalities have different visions, policies and requirements. This is where integrating what we do with their operations and technology is a never-ending cycle and involves constant change. As their systems and policies change, we have to make sure ours does as well to keep everything running smoothly.

Honk: What do you think the biggest misconception is around parking?

Andre: That there’s not a lot to the parking industry. I think when most people think of parking, they just think of a parking meter and coins, an app, or a hang tag. There’s actually a lot more depth to the parking industry, mostly involving logistics and technology. It’s a lot more complicated than how it actually comes across to the end user, but I guess that’s the way it should be.

Honk: Favourite office snack?

Andre: Popcorn. Oreos. Raw Mixed Nuts.

Honk: When not at work, where would you most likely be found?

Andre: Before my daughter was born, I could be found in my den on my laptop, at the gym or playing basketball or baseball. Now? I’ll be at home with my wife and daughter changing diapers and just hanging out.


Honk: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to parking?

Andre: Coming from someone who used to work in parking at an institution, it still annoys me when people don’t r-e-a-d! I see that many of the same issues pop up for Honk, as I did when I worked at my old job and it all involves people not reading signs or knowing what they are purchasing!

Well, there you have it! A quick look inside what it means to be Operations Manager at Honk!

Finding our spot: A love letter to 5 years of parking.

Five years goes by in the blink of an eye. While it’s not a long time in age, it’s a lifetime for an entrepreneur!

Looking back on our startup journey of the past 5 years, I can see how Honk has grown as a company, how much I’ve learned as an entrepreneur, and how we have influenced the culture of parking and transportation. It gives me great perspective and an amazing amount of energy to map out what is yet to come.

One of the highlights of any startup is experiencing and celebrating all the firsts along the way:

  • Our first hire: Kacey Siskind - still our queen of Business Development, longest standing employee and basically the darling of the parking industry.

  • Our first parking operator who took a leap with us when we were completely unknown and untested:  Thanks Just Park!

  • Our first municipality to Honkify their city: the City of Oshawa; still going strong and growing every day.

  • Our first Honk user (who wasn’t related to me): Roy Thomas; We don’t know how you found us, or why you downloaded, but THANK YOU! Your trust and faith means more than you can ever know!

  • Our first PR mention: It happened to be a major win on Dragon’s Den -- not a bad way to enter the PR world, IMHO.

  • Our first broken transaction record: we partied like it was 1999 when we hit 100 transactions per day, thought we had conquered the world at 1,000 per day, went streaking through the quad at 10,000 per get the picture.  The nice thing about starting from scratch - there are always records to break.

I’m told I have to be more mindful and ‘present’ so part of this taking stock is about celebrating the here and now.  Our 5 year anniversary coincides nicely with the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 Awards where I’m a finalist (for the second time!). We could not have planned the timing better ourselves. This is a huge accomplishment for the entire Honk team, as I stand on the shoulders of giants.

  • Our development team is the best in the business. All Canadian, all nerd, and all knowing. They build things without being asked, execute our vision impeccably and do it all in a language that is completely foreign to me.

  • Our marketing & operations folks keep the machine oiled and running on time and (mostly) on budget. They are our eyes, ears and feet on the street interacting with customers, launching new zones on the daily,  making it right when things (inevitably) go wrong, and they do it all with a smile.

  • Our customers are why we do what we do. Our app would not be nearly as dynamic, user-friendly or convenient without our hundreds of thousands of customers who use Honk to simplify their lives. We hear and absorb every bit of feedback, and we use it to keep moving forward.

  • Our parking lot operators, airports, real estate owners, universities and municipalities - our clients - are amazing. They are a group of trusting, forward thinking and dynamic individuals and institutions whose unique needs drive us to be better, to do better and to create more innovative products to suit their needs. Everyone is a special snowflake. I came into this game determined to change the way consumers search, find, and pay for parking – and I’m happy to know that we’ve changed the game for operators as well. With Honk, our clients have more insight into their business than ever before, along with increased sales and significantly lower operating costs. We’re winning all the way around.  

The road ahead is surely paved in bumps, potholes and hopefully some beautifully smooth paved roads. We have some pretty big goals for the next 5 years -- we’re talking enabling self-driving vehicles, helping cities become smarter, and making parking totally frictionless -- and we want to take you all along for the ride .  The last 5 have just scratched the surface - stick with us for the next 5 and watch us shine.

Tonight we celebrate, tomorrow we conquer the (parking) world.

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