Meet the Honkers. Eddie: Sales and Sports Aficionado.


Deals, deals, deals! Everyone knows how vital sales is to any organization, but does everyone know what really goes on in a sales org? We’re sitting down with Eddie - a member of the sales squad here at Honk to get an inside look into a day in the life at a parking tech startup.

Honk: So Eddie, can you take us through a day at Honk? What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office in the morning? And what’s the last thing before you leave for the day?

Eddie: Every day at Honk is different, that’s what makes it such an exciting place to work. One thing that never changes is at 9:01am you can find me at the Keurig machine in the kitchen making my first coffee. From there it’s over to SalesForce to see what my tasks are for the day. The rest of the day will involve many calls, emails and demos of our parking platform. You’ll rarely find me in the office from 12-1pm as I enjoy a good midday workout. The last thing I do before I leave the office is make sure all my tasks for the day are completed and my schedule is set for the following day.

Honk: What’s the most challenging part about your job?

Eddie: Finding the right person at the right time. I would say this is true with 99% of sales jobs, talking to the right person can be the difference between making a sale or not. I had one potential client who I had been harassing (eeeerm, 'persistently trying to get in touch with') for 3 months, and I finally went over his head and called his superior. His boss loved Honk and we had it set up within 2 weeks.

Honk: What do you think the biggest misconception is around sales?

Eddie: The biggest misconception is that people think sales is all about wining, dining and partying with clients. There are definitely times where you get to enjoy going out with clients, but you have to put in countless hours of prospecting, cold calling, and presentations before you get to this point.

Honk: Favourite office snack?

Eddie: Without a doubt, peanut butter stuffed pretzel bites.

Honk: When not at work, where would you most likely be found?

Eddie: You will either find me in a hockey rink, or at my local pub watching the Maple Leafs. In the summer, you can catch me relaxing on the dock at the cottage from sunrise to sunset.

Honk: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to parking in Toronto?

Eddie: Finding it! Before Honk, I would drive around aimlessly trying to find parking in the city that was affordable and convenient. Shameless plug - Honk takes the pain out of parking - period.

Well there you have it. A quick look into a day-in-the-office at Honk from a Sales perspective!

Eddie in his summer natural habitat: cottage-ing up North in Ontario.

Eddie in his summer natural habitat: cottage-ing up North in Ontario.